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Chief Commercial Officer at DTG, Owner/ Co-Founder of Nebula Nova. Strong global business background (Dell, Sitel, Sykes Enterprises).
Partner at Teres Capital
Co-founder&Managing director @rockstartaccel. Startup Weekend EU Facilitator, co-founder SW Amsterdam,Eindhoven&Utrecht.Organiser Lean Startup Circle Amsterdam.
Supporting @the-ant-works , @opnt and founder/CEO of a new venture. Formerly @vodafone @gemini-consulting + others @stanford GSB @vrije-universiteit-amsterdam
Managing Director, Payvision
Managing Member @rearden-capital-management-llc • Co-Founder @voltage
Pls refer to LinkedIn profile or bio at
Early stage investor / tech entrepreneur
Founding Partner @Incubasa Ventures | Mentor @seedcamp | Entrepreneur | Early-stage investor in technology oriented companies
Co-Founder of Recrilo Technologies Inc.; BBA from HvA; Worked at, Citco Fund Services and Movir; Value investor.